Stewardship - A way of life!
Hospitalty Ministries
The following are minsitries that focus on hospitality. If you feel called to join one of these ministries please do not hesitate to contact the parish office (9721 2141).
Hospitality Events Ministry
The Hospitality Events ministry caters for large parish social events. The aim of the group is to make people welcome and at home in our parish, especially on occasions when we gather as a community. Examples of providing this service are the magnificent after Mass tea's when the sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation are celebrated by the children of our parish, catering for the Parish Ministry Fair, for the St Patrick's day celebrations, and for the Parish Christmas Tree Evening.
As a side line activity, they cater for functions such as funeral tea's to raise funds for the parish.
Greeting Ministry
The aim of the Greeting Ministry is to welcome parishioners and visitors to our parish when they come to Mass. Creating a welcoming atmosphere in a big Cathedral is often hard to do.
Being greeted by someone in a friendly way reflects the love of Christ , often setting the tone for a meaningful Mass experience.
Through their interaction with people, greeters listen out for people who may be experiencing difficulties, and those new to the parish, allowing the parish to make contact with them.
Car Parking Ministry
The Car Parking Ministry gives you a chance to truly experience a rewarding challenge. Be amongst the first to welcome fellow parishioners and offer help to find and safely direct car parking for those attending bigger masses such as Christmas, Easter, Communions & Confirmations etc. You will be pleasantly surprised how others will respond to your efforts! Service in the Car Parking Ministry gives you a
chance to help others, and also help you to grow in your faith as you serve the Lord!!
After Mass Tea
Mass is the time when parishioners come together as the family of God. We should not only pray together, but should also socialise together to become a community through which the presence of Jesus is experienced.
After Mass Tea’s are the most practical way to achieve regular social interaction, because it is the time when people come together for Mass.