Stewardship - A way of life!
Management & Maintenance Ministries
The following are minsitries that focus on the effective management of the parish and the maintenance of its assets . If you feel called to join one of these ministries please do not hesitate to contact the parish office (9721 2141).
Parish Council
Parish Pastoral Council – The Parish Pastoral Council is a consultative body on the mission of the parish to the Bishop as Parish Priest, or to the Parish Administrator in the Parish Priest’s absence.
Its role is to study, discuss and make practical pastoral initiative proposals to the Parish Priest, and to advise on pastoral proposals being recommended by other parish communities and groups.
Parish Finance Committee
The finance committee is a consultative body whose task it is to assist the Parish Priest with the administration of goods of the parish, in accordance with the requirements of Canon Law as they relate to this task. The committee helps the Parish Priest to ensure that there is appropriate funding and well maintained facilities to fulfil the mission of the Parish.
Accountants, Lawyers, Property Managers, Business Managers, Engineers and Builders are needed to help run the business side of the parish.
Gardening and Grounds Maintenance Ministry
A well maintained and beautiful environment sets the atmosphere for people to pray, worship and grow in their faith. The services of parishioners who love gardening and maintaining grounds are therefore greatly appreciated.
Building Maintenance Ministry
The Cathedral precinct has a number of buildings that needs to be maintained. This is the chance for parishioners to use their skills and talents to maintain the Cathedral precinct buildings. Well maintained facilities create the atmosphere for people to meet and worship Jesus Christ. The parish is always in need of:
General handymen
Office Help Ministry
Friday mornings are spent printing and folding the bulletin for the forthcoming Sunday Masses. The Parish Office is always in need of help on a Friday morning to help with this task.
Help is also needed with the printing and folding of booklets for large celebrations such as at Christmas and Easter. At Christmas time help is needed with the making of lollie bags and colouring in sets for the children who attend these Masses.
Other office tasks often pop up, and it great to have extra help on these occasions.
Cathedral Cleaning
Members of the Cathedral Cleaning Ministry meet every second Tuesday from 9am for about an hour to clean the Cathedral. A clean and well maintained Cathedral creates the atmosphere for people to meet and worship Jesus Christ. Cleaning is usually followed with a cuppa in the parish center afterwards.