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Reaching Out Ministries

The following are ministries that focus on reaching out to people. If you feel called to join one of these ministries please do not hesitate to contact the parish office (9721 2141).


Holy Communion - Hospitals


We are Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion  who strive to take Holy Communion to the sick in hospital on a daily basis.


If you have a loved one in hospital, or know of anyone in hospital who would like to receive Holy Communion please contact the Parish Office (9721 2141):

Holy Communion - Nursing Homes


Members of our Ministry take Holy Communion to those who are unable to attend Mass such as the elderly and the poor of health.


If you have a loved one or someone who is unable to attend Mass who would like to receive Holy Communion on a regular basis, please contact the parish office       (9721 2141):.

St Vincent de Paul Society


Members of the Society are people who live out their faith in action by visiting people in their homes to provide support, friendship and material assistance. This practice is known as home visitation, and is carried out by the local St Vincent de Paul Society. They respond to calls for assistance from people in the local community.


People who are being assisted by members are often provided with furniture, clothing and household goods free of charge through the Society's Vinnies Centre. The centre also offers affordable clothing and goods to the wider community. The profit from the sale of stock from the Vinnies Centre is used to provide resources and support to people in need.


For over 150 years, home visitation has been the core work of the Society. By visiting people in their homes, the St Vincent de Paul Society aims to help men, women and families to break their cycle of poverty and disadvantage.


The society are always in need of volunteers to be involved with the work they do, including  collecting furniture and clothes, sorting clothes, delivering furniture to the needy and to work in the Vinnies shop.

Mission to Seafarers


The Mission to Seafarers is a Catholic mission for seafarers which cares for the spiritual well-being, social needs and requirements of seafarers from all parts of the world. With the quick turnaround of a ship, often less than ten hours from arrival to departure, it is very difficult for many seafarers to contact their families, receive the sacraments of Mass and Reconciliation, and obtain medical help or counseling in times of death in the family or marriage breakup. Unfortunately the port is an industrial area, concerned chiefly with the movement of cargo. As a consequence very little attention is given to the crew member, the human person on board, and they can suffer a great deal of stress, loneliness and anxiety. MOS ministers to all, including sacramental ministry to the 35% of seafarers who are Catholic.

Pregnancy Assist



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