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Sacrificial Giving

What is Sacrificial Giving?

Sacrificial Giving is an annual pledge by a parishioner to commit a certain amount of money to the parish on a weekly, bi-weekly, monthly,  quarterly, half yearly or annual basis.


Sacrificial Giving is an expression of gratitude and faith in God. Believing that God has provided for us and will continue to do so, we deliberately plan to give an amount that is proportionate to what God has blessed us with. It is a sacrifice because the amount we give does not come only from our excess income, meaning we sacrifice some luxury from our own lives.


Jesus established a common fund to provide for his and his followers’ mission and needs.

The Apostles continued the practice of common funds so that they and their collaborators could     continue the mission of Jesus wherever they went.


Our parish “common fund” continues this purpose. It is made up of what parishioners give either through the Sacrificial Giving Programme or the weekend collections.

Did you know that the parish is completely self funded?


It is common for Catholics to think that a parish   receives money from its Diocese, or overseas Catholic donors, such as Rome. In fact, a parish is responsible for its own financial affairs. Our parish therefore relies on the generosity of our parishioners to maintain the parish “common fund” so necessary for the financial survival and  functioning of the parish to be the presence of Christ to the people of Bunbury.


Like any organisation, a parish has many expenses to cover. It is therefore vital that a parish knows that it has a guaranteed income so that it can budget to cover its costs, and most importantly to fund its mission of spreading the Kingdom of God. Any surplus funds will go to new evangelisation initiatives.


Some of the costs that the Parish has to incur?

Annually, it costs over $565,000 to run the parish.

Typical costs include:

· Priests stipends & living expenses.

· Remuneration of staff.

· Parish centre capital debt.

· Water, Electricity & Gas  (Our electricity      account  is on average $1,700 per month).

· Fire and Security Alarm monitoring.

· Monthly fire detection system maintenance.

· Candle Oil, Hosts, Wine, Flowers.

· Music licensing.

· Lift maintenance.

· Toilet paper, soap for toilets.

· Cleaning equipment and chemicals.

· Electrical & plumbing maintenance.

· Photo copy machine lease, paper & stationary.

· Advertising.

· Computer equipment maintenance.

· Telephone.

· Evangelisation costs (e.g. retreats, RCIA,       Catechism).

· Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Biscuits etc for after Mass tea’s & events.

If you require any more any more information, please contact the Parish Manager or a Finance Committee Member.

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